About Us

Mission, Vision & Value

At the heart of our success is a deep-seated belief in our mission, values and purpose, and we are committed to sharing that belief with the world.

People Groups
Church Plants

Our Passion

The urgency to preach Jesus Christ and plant contextual churches among unengaged unreached people groups of the world. Every other CAPRO engagement and passion exist to serve this primary passion. This is the spirit of CAPRO and characterise every CAPRO member and partner.

Our Vision

To see exponential multiplication of indigenous, multi-generational church-planting movements and congregations among previously unengaged unreached people groups that will take ownership and responsibility for wholistic transformation of their own people and near culture neighbours.

Our Mission

CAPRO teams including her missionaries, mission partners, and network of organised CAPRO Sending teams (CAST) collaborate and partner with the global body of Christ to plant, nurture and establish independent, indigenous, Self-governing, Self-propagating and Self-financing churches, among verified unreached people groups.

Our code of conduct

The CAPRO Guiding Principle (GPC) document is the official CAPRO constitution. The CAPRO GPC provide the governance framework upon which our organisational structure, ministry objectives, philosophy of life, work ethics and moral conduct are built. The CAPRO GPC is founded on the bedrock of truth and fundamental biblical absolutes taught and modelled by our commanding officer – Jesus Christ himself.

Our Core Values

Certain kingdom values outlined in our GPC distinctively mark CAPRO members and distinguish us as a unique organisation. Among these values are a set of 6 core values that inspire and shape our organisational culture, guide our relationships and engagements, inform our attitude of heart and disposition. 

We emphasis deep love for the people groups we are reaching with the Gospel, and for one another as we labour together. Our first labour among the people we are sent to is to demonstrate to them that we are Jesus’ disciples through the expression of genuine love for one another.

We firmly believes that God operates as a team, despite His singular essence. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit exemplify this divine teamwork—they function as One. Within CAPRO, teams thrive. Couples and individuals unite, forming cohesive units that span over 47 years. Guided by God’s wisdom, they recognize that collaboration is the key. No missionary stands alone; each is an interconnected island, contributing to the collective purpose.

We expect each missionary to recognise God’s purpose for his life, and pursue same with every grace at his disposal. Another word to describe this attitude is militancy. We operate on the premise that our missionaries have learned to be militant in thought, in disposition and in deeds. Every CAPRO missionary must have a vision, clear enough to give him a precise direction, and strong enough to make him push on, even when the odds are against him. We believe that what makes a missionary is vision plus action.

Mission is a call to sacrifice and nobody can be meaningfully involved without the spirit of sacrifice. The first thing we sacrifice is our life and from that point on, it will be easy to forgo personal ambitions, comfort, etc. We are inspired by the words of C.T. Studd; “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”

The nature of our calling demands that we are able to trust God in the face of the most trying situations. We cannot afford to be weak in faith. We resolve to hold on tenaciously to the promises of God because our lives and living depend on them. Our resources maybe limited and the odds much against us, we believe that by faith, all needs will be met.

We hold strongly that the Christian calling is a call unto holiness. We are conscious that we are in the end-times, where the love of many is growing cold. Ungodliness and every form of worldliness are incompatible with being a Christian.

Our passion is to win souls wherever we are, on our field of calling or away from it. The most valuable gift that we can offer anyone that we come across, is the Gospel.

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